Meadow Valley ADU
Year 2018-Present, Under Construction
Type Residential
Size 225 sq. ft. | 25 m2
Client Private
Project Team
Nous Engineering
Junjun Wang
Do Hoon Kim
Nhan-Nhi Nguyen
Jerry Zhao
The shape of this accessory dwelling unit is driven by the spatial limitation of the property: property lines, set-backs and hillside conditions. Having no possibility of increasing the footprint by going wide, we chose to go up by extending the space vertically. The project was originally designed as cross-laminated timber to serve as a prototype for bringing the construction technology to Los Angeles, but costs prohibited the use of CLT for such a small-scale project. We opted for conventional light timber framing instead. Despite pandemic disruptions, the construction is on-going and is scheduled to be finished by Summer of 2022.